Penny Terndrup
Mobile: +44(0)7970 914756
Penny is an accredited leadership coach, supervisor and team facilitator, and has more than 30 years of working as a lawyer in and an advisor to legal and professional services firms.
A member of the Meyler Campbell faculty, Penny offers internal coaches, HR and leadership professionals and teams supervision and a confidential and independent space to reflect on their work within the system they operate. Her foundational training in depth, transpersonal psychology with the Psychosynthesis Trust in London (a BACP/UKCP counselling and psychotherapy training centre where she is now a trustee and a recent past Chair) and subsequent systemic training informs her coaching.
As a coach to law firms, private equity and fund managers and other professional services firms, she also has an eclectic practice with clients in many sectors including healthcare, environmental CICs, opera and charity. She has a particular interest in neurodiversity and supports the Legal Diversity Network as a member of the committee.
Recently she has:
- Coached a functional head of a global law firm to navigate through promotion and into a new role at a business-critical time
- Worked with the office head of a global US firm to gain perspective and balance while remaining focused
- Coached a number of senior women and men around unconscious bias and how to become empowered allies
- In a private equity environment, worked with both professionals, portfolio business leaders and functional heads
- Worked with burnout and stress-related issues
- Coached legal professional and business services teams to work collaboratively and effectively to greater impact
- Supported an incoming Chair to envision their role and how they will inhabit it, then take action
- Coached senior associates in their career planning and strategy towards being their best self at work
- Worked with the director of a large European opera house and the commercial manager of a seaweed farming CIC at the beginning of their new roles
- Accompanied several partners in the exploration of their own leadership style, finding flexibility to better outcomes
- Supported a senior partner in future planning for succession and life after law
Penny’s interest in the business and the people of law grew from working as a solicitor in City firms, then as group director of a market-leading legal recruiter and a partner with a global search business where she worked with the leadership of most UK and US firms, supporting their talent supply and development as well as delivering General Counsel mandates. Training with Meyler Campbell (EMCC) in 2009, she is qualified in a number of psychometrics including MBTI (I & II), Strengthscope and Lumina, and is also an accredited team coach and supervisor (EMCC).
It’s been said that Penny has presence, builds trust and is able to deal with ambiguity and complexity. She juggles teens and a small zoo in her “spare time” and is just embarking on a Master’s exploring the nature of consciousness.